Scientists depend strongly on visual observations by volunteers to test the theoretical models and improve future predictions.
For more information on contributing your own observations, please consult the observing instructions and the instructions for filing a report. The IMO offers an electronic report form to submit your observations,
and will automatically include them in the ZHR activity graph shown on the right.
Important note for visual observers: to allow for detailed analysis, please report the Leonid activity in short intervals. Try to avoid more than 5 to 10 Leonids per interval, and in any case avoid intervals longer than 10-15 minutes throughout November 17. Even when the rate is poor due to low radiant elevation or bad weather; the few meteors that you see may be part of an outburst and the exact time of their occurrence helps to determine the outburst time. Note that you can customize the number of rows in the report form or simply submit multiple forms.
Contact for observers in China with translation problems: 亚洲的观测者: 如果你有任何的问题,请联系 gba@arm.ac.uk。邮 件可以使用中文。