
Other organizations

The European Radio Astronomy Club (ERAC) is a European organization with about 350 members in 19 different countries, interested in all aspects of radio astronomy, including radio meteor detection. Radio observers are warmly recommended to take a look at to learn more about this organisation and its activities. Don’t hesitate to contact ERAC officers, as they are keen to enhance cooperation between radio observers.

Introductions to radio meteor observation

  • McKinley D.W.R., “Meteor Science and Engineering”, McGraw-Hill, 1961, 309 pages.
  • Steyaert C., “Handboek Radiowaarnemingen”, Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep  Meteoren (Belgium), 1985, 129 pages. (in Dutch)
  • Wislez J.-M., “Forward Scattering of Radio Waves off Meteor Trails”, Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference, Brandenburg 14-17 September 1995, edited by Paul Roggemans and André Knöfel, International Meteor Organization, 1995, pp. 83-98.
  • Brown P., Hock B., “The 1994 Perseids : Radio Observations”, WGN 22 no 3, pp. 92-94, 1994.

Frequency tables

  • World Radio and TV Handbook, Billboard Books, published yearly.
  • Leponiemi T., European FM Handbook, published yearly.


  1. Baggaley W.J., Bennett R.G.T., Steel D.I., Taylor A.D., “The advanced meteor orbit radar facility: AMOR,” Q. J. R. astron. Soc. 35, pp. 293-320, 1994.
  2. Cevolani G., et al., “The Bologna-Lecce forward scatter radar experiment: preliminary results,” Planet. Space Sci. 46 no. 6, pp. 765-772, 1995.
  3. Cook M., “AF9Y – EME & weak signal page”.
  4. Greneker G., “Signal processing techniques for separating meteor echoes from those of aircraft,” WGN 17:2, pp. 43-48, 1989.
  5. Rawkes R.L., Jones J., “A quantitative model for the ablation of dustball meteors,” Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 173, pp. 339-356, 1975.
  6. Hawkins G.S., “The Harvard radio meteor project,”Smithson. Contrib. Astrophys. 7, pp. 53-62, 1963.
  7. Holman D., “The utilization of Yagi-Uda and Log-Periodic Dipole arrays in forward scatter meteor observing,” to be published in WGN.
  8. Jones J., Collins J.G., “The mass distribution of radio meteors and the full-wave scattering theory,” Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 166, pp. 529-542, 1974.
  9. Jones W., Jones J., “Oblique scattering of radio waves from meteor trains: theory,” Planet. Space Sci. 38, pp. 55-66, 1990.
  10. Kuneth W., “Radio meteor gallery”.
  11. Maanders E.J., “Radarwaarnemingen van geïoniseerde meteoorsporen,” Hemel en Dampkring 65,pp. 149-160, 1967.
  12. Manning L.A., “Oblique echoes from over-dense meteortrails,” J. atmos. Terr. Phys. 14, pp. 82-93, 1959.
  13. McKinley D.W.R., “Meteor science and engineering,”McGraw-Hill, 1961.
  14. Morton J.D., Jones J., “A method for imaging radiom eteor radiant distributions,” Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 198, pp. 737-746, 1982.
  15. Rao M.S., Armstrong R.L., “Investigation of the drifts of the effective point of radio reflection along a meteor train,” Can. J. Phys. 36, pp. 1601-1623, 1958.
  16. Roelandts T., Depoorter W., “Presentation of the RAMSES automated forward scatter system,” Proceedings of the IMC Puimichel 1993, pp. 44-46, 1994.
  17. Roelandts T., “Archivering en verwerking van radiowaarnemingen van meteoren,” Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium, 1994.
  18. Steyaert C., “FORWARD: a general program for calculating the observability function,” Werkgroepnieuws 15:3, pp. 90-93, 1987.
  19. Steyaert C., “Radio Meteor Observation Bulletins,” published monthly on the internet. Archive at
  20. Van Bavinchove C., “De automatische waarneming van meteoren door middel van radioreflecties op 66 MHz,” Universiteit Gent, Belgium, 1994.
  21. Vauterin P., “Meteor radio observations 1995,” Astronomical Observatory, University of Ghent, 1995.
  22. Verbeeck C., “The spatial distribution of potential forward scatter reflection points,” WGN 23:6, pp. 236-243, 1995.
  23. Verbeeck C., “The first Fresnel zone and the power profile throughout the forward scatter reflection surface,” Proceedings of the IMC 1995, pp. 83-98, International Meteor Organization, 1996.
  24. Verbeeck C., personal communication, November 1996.
  25. Verbeeck C., “The forward scatter observability function for underdense stream meteors,” to be published in the Proceedings of the IMC 1996, International Meteor Organization.
  26. Wislez J.-M., “Forward scattering of radio waves off meteor trails,” Proceedings of the IMC 1995, pp. 99-117, International Meteor Organization, 1996.
  27. Wislez J.-M., “The RAMSES Project”.
  28. Who is Who in IMO?