The International Meteor Organization organizes a two-day online IMC on Saturday September 25th and Sunday September 26th, 2021. In order to register for attendance of the online IMC, please send an e-mail to imc2021@imo.net before September 1st, 00h UT, mentioning your name, affiliation and country.
The online IMC 2021 will use the free Zoom software. Connection details will be communicated in due time.
To accommodate participants from Asia, Australia and New Zealand, the schedule on September 25th is from 6:00 UT till 15:00 UT. The September 26th schedule is from 10:00 UT until 19:00 UT, to allow participants from America to join part of the conference during daytime hours.
IMO’s General Assembly Meeting will take place on September 25th, 14:00-15:00 UT and is open to all interested persons.
In case you want to present a talk, please provide the author list, title, and abstract. Talks will be given by PDF/PPTs via Zoom and are 15 minutes by default, plus 5 minutes for questions. Abstracts must be submitted before July 1st, 00h UT.
The Conference Proceedings will be published in a special section of our journal WGN. Proceedings papers should be submitted to WGN before October 20th, but we encourage you to submit your paper before the start of the conference if possible (contact: wgn@imo.net – see submission instructions).
Further details will be published soon on the IMC 2021 website.
We hope to meet you at the online IMC on September 25th-26th!
The IMO Council and the IMC 2021 SOC