On March 20, 2021, around 14h 53min UT, a very bright fireball was observed in daylight from North-Western France and Southern Great Britain. Some sonic booms were also heard from Souther Brittany regions.
As this fireball occured in daylight, few meteor observing video stations were active: your visual reports and any information regarding this meteor are thus of prime importance! If you observed it, please fill in an Online Fireball Report Form.

A few pictures have been received yet, but one, from Emma O. (Figure 2) shows the fireball on a blue sky, giving an idea of the luminosity of this event, which may have been brighter than a Full Moon.

This page will be updated in real time when news will come to us: stay tuned for more information!
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If you want to learn more about Fireballs: read our Fireball FAQ.
Last updated: 21/03/2021, 10h 23min UT