
Most people travel by car to IMCs often unaware about the travelling plans of others. By encouraging carpooling we want to reduce the number of cars, save you costs by sharing cars and meanwhile help the socializing aspects while travelling to the IMC. We display only limited information for privacy reasons of the participants. If you see a departure site with a ride to Giron that could be of interest to you, contact us ( and we will bring you in contact with the right person.

Departure at

Looking for

De Bilt, Netherlands
16 Sep.-23 Sep.
Sharing car with 3 other persons
Caen, France
18 Sep.-21 Sep.
Interested in carpooling
Zagreb, Croatia
18 Sep.-21 Sep.
One seat free form Zagreb, via Ljubljana, Trieste, Milano. On the way back I need a ride from Giron to Germany, Karsruhe (Bruchsal). I'm ready to participate in ride expenses.
Mechelen, Belgium
17 Sep.-22 Sep.
We can offer two seats from Mechelen to Giron and back, but with an extra day before and after the IMC.
Cologne, Aachen, Germany
18 Sep.-21 Sep.
if I go by car I can offer 3 seats (Cologne, Aachen). I'm also interested in travelling with others.
Lyon, France or Geneva, Switzerland
18 Sep.-21 Sep.
Interested in 2 free seat in the car from Geneva or Lyon.
Lyon, France
18 Sep.
If anyone is planning on driving from Lyon on Thursday, I'd join a carpool and contribute to costs.

Disclaimer: the organization limits its initiative to provide information about those who mention interest in carpooling. The practical aspects of any carpooling arrangements are up to each individual. In no case the organization can be kept responsible for any organizational, financial or legal consequences related to car pooling.