
Meteors, Meteors


Sequence of a -4m Perseid fireball recorded with the video meteor camera of Sirko Molau, Berlin. Currently, AKM members operate more than 7 identical video meteor cameras, using 2nd generation image intensifiers.

General remarks

Meteors are the luminous result of tiny particles, called meteoroids, entering the Earth's atmosphere at high speeds (11...71 km/s). The meteoroids are released either from comets or asteroids.
Most spectacular displays are caused when the Earth passes through a dense swarm of meteoroids close to the original orbit of their parent object. In this case we observe a meteor shower. The best known is the Perseids shower. Many other showers exist and can be observed at different times of the year.
Check also the shower calendar for the year 2003.
Meteors can be observed with various techniques. The optical methods include VISUAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, and VIDEO observations. Descriptions, including details about advantages and disadvantages of the various techniques can be found on the IMO homepage, or on a page provided by Sirko Molau of the Arbeitskreis Meteore e.V.

The meteor image shown here was obtained during the Perseid peak in 1994, observed from Last Chance Creek, CA. The -8m Perseid fireball appeared southwest of the Pleiades cluster in the morning of August 12.

Leonids between 1998 and 2002

In the years between 1998 and 2002 the Leonids produced great meteor showers. Peak rates reached `storm levels', i.e. about 10000 per hour for about 20-30 minutes especially in the years 1999, 2001 and 2002.

Fireballs & impacts

Other exceptional events are related to the entry of large, massive meteoroids. If the circumstances of their entry into the Earth's atmosphere are favourable, objects of several kilograms (and larger, of course) can survive the ablation processes and even fragmentation, and may result in meteorite falls - an example is described here. The respective fireballs are widely visible.
Objects exceeding tons of mass are less and less decelerated during their atmospheric passage and may either explode above the surface (`airblast'), or create impact craters.
There are search programs to detect potential hazardous objects, i.e. asteroids and comets which may collide with the Earth. The best known group dealing with objects approaching the Earth is the Spacewatch Project.
More information about asteroid hazards are found on a page about Papers & Preprints on Near-Earth Asteroids and the Impact Hazard by Clark R. Chapman, and in the NASA FACT SHEET.
The most famous example for an airblast, is the 1908 Tunguska catastrophe.
Information about meteors, meteorites and impacts, including a meteorite classification scheme, historic relations and impact craters as well as links to further sites are collected at this site of the Lunar and Planetary Lab.

Links to pages about meteors and of meteor enthusiasts:

The International Meteor Organization
Arbeitskreis Meteore e.V.
VdS Fachgruppe Meteore
North American Meteor Network (NAMN)
Homepage of Peter Brown, London, Ont.
Colin Keay's homepage - electrophonic noise / Synchronschall
André Knöfels Homepage
Die Koschny-Homepage
Homepage of Jack Baggaley, Canterbury, New Zealand
Homepage of the Solar System Dynamics Group (I.P.Williams) at Queen Mary College, London, UK
Homepage of Marc deLignie, The Netherlands

Questions about observations:
Ulrich Sperberg
Südbockhorn 59
29410 Salzwedel
General Address:

Arbeitskreis Meteore e.V.
Postfach 600118
D-14401 Potsdam
Arbeitskreis Meteore e.V.
Sirko Molau
Verbindungsweg 7
D-15366 Hönow
Responsible for this page
Jürgen Rendtel
Seestraße 6
D-14476 Marquardt

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