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International Meteor Organization

Created in 1988

The International Meteor Organization (IMO) was founded in 1988 and has more than 250 members now. IMO was created in response to an ever growing need for international cooperation of meteor amateur work.

International Fireball Program

You saw something bright and fast? Like a huge shooting star? Report it: it may be a fireball.

Want to know more about this program?

Report a Fireball

Report A fireball You saw something bright and fast? Like a huge shooting star? Report it: it may be a fireball.

Add an Observation Session

Share a visual observation session You counted meteors last night? Share your results with us!

Share a photo

You took a photo of a meteor or fireball? You have a screenshot of your cam? Share it with us!

Share a video

You caught a meteor or fireball on video? Share your video with us!

Meteor Showers Calendar

Next major shower peak

Northern Taurids

This shower is much like the Southern Taurids, just active a bit later in the year. When the two showers are active simultaneously in late October and early November, there is sometimes an notable increase in the fireball activity. There seems to be a seven year periodicity with these fireballs. 2008…

Peak Night: Nov 12 2024.
The moon will be 79% of full.

Currently active major meteor showers

Meteor Shower Calendar

Latest Major Fireball Events

Everyday, we receive reports about Fireballs. Here are some of the latest major Fireball Events: